30 Powerful Personal Benefits of Volunteering

Cory S Powers
3 min readFeb 27, 2023


Whether you’re a new volunteer or a seasoned veteran, there are plenty of personal benefits that come with volunteering. These include increased self-esteem, increased social interaction, and enhanced physical health.

The first step to becoming a successful volunteer is to choose an experience that’s right for you. Think about your skills and interests, then find a cause you care about and enjoy spending time with.

Volunteering can boost your self-esteem by helping you achieve a sense of purpose and accomplishment. It also allows you to gain new skills and experience.

People with high self-esteem tend to spend more time volunteering each month than those with low self-esteem. This is because they feel more affluent and are better at managing their time effectively.

Volunteering exposes volunteers to new people and situations that may significantly change their outlook on life. Without the capacity for self-reflection and awareness, a volunteer may find it difficult to function in these challenging environments.

Despite these challenges, volunteering can provide significant psychological benefits for both young and old. It helps prevent loneliness and alleviate mental health concerns like depression.

When you volunteer, you have the opportunity to step outside your comfort zone and challenge yourself. This will boost your self-esteem and lead to new opportunities that will benefit you in the future!

It’s also a great way to build your professional network, particularly if you are interested in changing careers. By volunteering, you can learn more about the job duties and work environment of the field you’re interested in.

Volunteering helps you develop the self-discipline needed to achieve your goals. It can also help you manage your time and emotions, which will make you more successful in work and relationships.

A number of studies have shown that volunteering makes people happier. It’s a simple concept: doing good deeds for others can lead to an increase in happiness, a phenomenon known as the “positive feedback

Whether you’re a young adult or an older adult, volunteering can help you build a network of friends who share your values and outlook. This social interaction will nurture your sense of purpose and build a support system that helps you when you need it.

This type of volunteering is also great for building social skills that are valuable for both personal and professional success. In fact, it can even boost your college applications and improve your chances of landing a good job post-graduation.

One of the best ways to stay healthy is through a healthy diet, regular exercise, and getting enough sleep. Volunteering can help you achieve and maintain this dimension of well-being.

One study found that adults over 50 who volunteer more than 200 hours per year are 40% less likely to have high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke.

Volunteering is not only a good way to help those in need, but it can also improve your mental health. It can boost your mood, improve your confidence, and increase your self-esteem.

Several studies have found that volunteering is linked to enhanced mental health, life satisfaction, and social well-being. However, this relationship varies across the life course.

Self-awareness is an important life skill that can have a huge impact on your personal and professional development. It enables you to identify and address your negative behaviors or emotions so you can make the necessary changes.

Volunteering is a great way to develop this essential trait. It can also help you see things from a different perspective and understand how your own perceptions can influence others.

Self-discipline is a powerful skill that helps you stay focused on your goals and stick to a plan. This can have positive impacts on many areas of your life, including work, finances, and time management.

To develop more self-discipline, try to identify a goal and a daily discipline associated with that goal that you can practice every day. Keep it simple at first, then gradually increase the difficulty over time.

Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and strengthen your social network. It exposes you to people with common interests and neighborhood resources, which can lead to more positive, fulfilling relationships.

Consistent social interaction improves mental health and lowers the risk of depression and anxiety. It also boosts your immune system and reduces stress.



Cory S Powers

Cory S Powers donates generously to Heifer International, a significant nonprofit dedicated to eradicating hunger and poverty.